Not Your Usual Stuff

Giving hidden treasures new life! TM

Vintage Toys & CollectAbles

We’re big kids, with a huge love of all things rusty, dusty, and musty. So, it is our habit to bring amazing and nostalgic things home for a while, and enjoy them until the house begins to overflow . Well, you could say that category is  a manifestation of the fun we’ve had as collectors. 

In summary, there are all sorts of amazing whatchamajigs, so take a look at the collection!

Collectable Fun



One of us is super cool and chooses only really popular items, so you’ll find that stuff in our store. 

One of us is quirky. I mean, really, randomly quirky. Therefore, if you want to see stuff that’s definitely not ordinary or the usual, that’s going to be in our store, too. 

You’ll also find items that our friends brought over to the house, so if none of our stuff is your type, maybe you’ll like their stuff. 

Clothing & Stuff


Eye Catching Randomness!

We find items that take about 20 minutes to explain. In short, we have sold gadgets, gizmos, real antiques, signed posters from indie artists, and more. 

You know the phrase, “It’s so ugly that it’s cute!” Additionally, there’s another other saying… “Something for the person who has everything.” Well, this is where to find it. We call this category  “Eye Catching.” 

Eye Catching Items

Who we are:

PAPA – A really nice guy who everyone loves, he is the kind of guy who enjoys watching YouTube videos about his favorite topics like cars, collecting, and even online sales. Through the years, it’s been fun to pick up stuff here and there at flea markets, yard sales, and during car shows. It’s been such a joy that we almost took it too far. Ahem. 

STEPHANIE – AKA MOM is a learner who takes in massive amounts of information, but has teeny, tiny short-term memory banks. It’s frustrating for everyone, especially for her. Still, she’s pretty good with computers and created this site, set up the stores, and homeschooled her kids. However, without Dad and Grandma, she’d never have stayed on course. Hurray for family support!

THE KIDS – They’re an upbeat group, so they find the funny, silly, and positive side to everything, and we have tons of fun. It’s a great life, and we’re always grateful for what we have. Above all, we’re grateful for having them in our lives. 

GOD – We’re people of faith, and we love sharing our heart with others. We hope that you would consider giving God a chance. And if this paragraph bothers you, please know it’s written with the greatest of kindness and an eagerness to give what’s been given to us — joy! Please feel free to ask us if you want to know more. 

Contact Us

Some of our items – past and present


We need to declutter, and we could use a few extra bucks, so we’re definitely being blessed by this venture, but we also hope this unusual collection sparks your joy! Ideally, in a perfect world, shopping through our collection would be as fun for you as it was for us when we gathered it. 

Ummm, I ran out of words here

I want this section to be somewhat symmetrical with the other side, so if you’re overly focused on unnecessary details like this, you’re welcome. If not, stop reading already! LOL. I told you that I ran out of things to say. (If you happen to like my quirkiness, check out my blog.)

My Personal Blog



We welcome resellers!

We love our stuff, and we even call them treasures. But we have had our fun, and we’re okay with letting this stuff go now. Of course, you can purchase them, and if you want, you can sell them to someone else. 

These aren’t pets, folks, so they don’t need forever homes. All we ask is that you make a sincere effort to rehome these items before you send them to a landfill. Fair enough? 

We could keep this info to ourselves, but if you are a reseller or want to be, we really want to recommend our favorite resource. It’s free, folks, although there’s a paid Patreon group that you can join. Chris Lin’s not paying us to recommend him, but we want to do it anyway.

Our Favorite Reseller Resource